One of the positive things about the lock-down is that people start doing things they had never imagined before, like for example the 30-days-of-yoga-program Alex and I are going to complete this weekend. Yes, you read it correctly: Alex and I have been doing yoga sessions online, 5 mornings a week for the past 6 weeks! Only 5 mornings because as you know, we train on Tuesday and Friday.

Why would we do that ?? There are a number of reasons:
1) Alex was complaining about back pain and lack of flexibility
2) A good friend of mine who runs a charity in Peru had recommended this teacher
3) I am always curious to try new things (although I must admit I did not think Alex would follow)
4) We were bored with lock-down
5) We thought that it would be nice to have some portable activities to take with us on our trip round the world
6) Alex had taken a yoga class in the Eco-domes in Torres del Payne and enjoyed it
7) We might be more prepared for our stop in India (?)
8) Flexibility will be required during our trip!
This last point, flexibility, is key. We feel we are already quite adaptable: we moved often, living in Argentina requires a fair amount of flexibility, as does living under lock-down (as all of you know) but we are also very much aware of what awaits us: staying in places for longer than expected because of bad weather, braving different bureaucracy and aviation documentation and processes in many countries, struggling to find Avgas, finding lodging only upon arrival because until you land you are not sure of your arrival date or time, eating the strangest foods, not feeling home anywhere, and undoubtedly much more.
Fortunately we have our new friend Adriene with whom we have been practicing for almost 30 days and who we can take with us on the trip!

Adriene even offers yoga on the plane....

Except that this is not at all what we or our seats look like in our LV-GQF! We look more like this:

This last plane is not the LV-GQF but the one I did my first solo flight in, back in July 2019.
One last reason to be flexible: we still have not been able to do our "pilot re-training"flights because the weather was bad or the instructor was not available or we did not get the authorizations approved in time....zennnnn.... we are crossing our fingers for this weekend, that would be a very nice birthday present for Alex.