Surpise! Despite lock down and economic crisis, my second -mostly autobiographical- book has been accepted by Letras del Sur, contract signed yesterday. Quite a cool publisher name for a girl from the North:) If nothing strange happens, "Raíces portátiles" (= Portable roots, temporary title) should be out by December, in Spanish (am also planning an English version at some point). It's the story of a little girl who moves a lot, a mixture of travel journal (seen through the eyes of a child) and coming of age novel, set in contemporary history. It features some of my favorite foods like poffertjes from Holland, croissants aux amandes from France; memorable anecdotes like the day I lost my princess wig in kindergarten, or when we bought live lobsters at the market in Warsaw that started walking all over the kitchen floor, or when I heard the beautiful song Alfonsina y el mar for the first time in Mexico without knowing at the time that it was from Argentina....
Now that I will soon be traveling the world again, I see my childhood experience as "trip #1" and the next one as "trip #2"!
Félicitation chère Martine. Bien d'autres bonnes choses avec courage!!
J'ai essayé de traduire et comprendre. ALLO! bravooooo!!!
Toutes mes félicitations !! Tu le mérites, la bonne étoile toujours à tes côtés...ya la persévérance aussi 😂😂. J’attends évidemment avec impatience la version anglaise
Félicitations ! J.’espère que tu avais du champagne importė pour fêter ça. Sinon, chocolat et churros 😂😂😂. J’attends avec impatience la version anglaise.