A few days ago we were still waiting for papers and permits -including the results of an English proficiency exam requested by Brazilian authorities- that we thought would never be given, but yesterday all of a sudden everything came together and this morning we left!! We flew from San Fernando (Buenos Aires) to Foz de Iguacu, our first stop.

Alex' brother Gabriel drove us to the airport and helped pack the plane and now we are in Brazil!
Last picture in Santo Tomas

Our 100 things

Closing the doors

First coffee of the trip

We had to fly around a few thunderstorms and entered Paraguay airspace because of that (which means we will get a small fine in the mail soon) but all in all, it went very well. The landing was beautiful and the plane is all fueled up for our next leg tomorrow: Brasilia.

Petrobras has a very neat special little carpet to protect the plane when fueling, great idea!

(and by the way, In case you were wonde ring we are English proficient:))
Off we go with you ! Have a great trip !