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Leg 1 of our trip: Brazil. Any comments?

This is the Brazil itinerary we have drawn so far on the map in our kitchen. Hopefully we will have better weather than last time we...

Lock down surprise

Surpise! Despite lock down and economic crisis, my second -mostly autobiographical- book has been accepted by Letras del Sur, contract...

Traveling through charity, to Lima

Today, I would like to introduce you to my compatriot Leonie van Iersel who is a very special person. Leonie used to teach in a secondary...

Argentines have a recipe for happiness

June 15th, day 88 of lock-down, I am very happy! We had the best weekend: celebrated Alex' birthday on Friday morning with croissants,...

Actively practicing flexibility

One of the positive things about the lock-down is that people start doing things they had never imagined before, like for example the...

Traveling for breakfast

Sunday June 7th, day 80 of Buenos Aires lock-down. This morning we traveled to the UK for breakfast: eggs, bacon, sausage, tomato,...

Double penalty

I wasn't going to post anything today but due to meteorological conditions, my plans were thwarted which gives me two pieces of...

House on the market, no regrets!

With Covid-19 and grim reports of riots and looting in the US in the background, we are still moving ahead with the plan. Since our goal...

Lock down extended again :(

So, I am starting to really feel locked-up now, despite the big house and garden (in which I ran 5k last Tuesday, i.e. 45 circles!). On...

(Re-post) Argentines LOVE to talk

Re-posting this text from a few weeks ago because I accidentally deleted it. You have most likely already read it....but I didn't want to...

Aviation weather

Like astronauts do when they are confined in their ship for long periods of time, Alex and I work out on Tuesday and Friday mornings...

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